Health and Lifestyle - UFO has Landed in the Garden!

Health and Lifestyle is what living is all about.  I wrote about my garden in my last post, but I failed to mention the UFO that landed!

Let me start at the beginning ... I live in Austria where they speak (and write) in German ... I am an American who speaks and reads in English and while I am learning the "mother" language of Austria, I do have some challenges.  I thought I had planted red cabbage ... the seed package I read (or so I thought) said red cabbage, but as the days went by I simply could not conceive how this growing plant would turn out to be a head of red cabbage.  I even "googled" pictures of growing cabbage ...

A few more day passed and as I searched on the internet I found it!  Yes, my friends, it is indeed red,  not a cabbage, but a Red Kohlrabi.  Well, until very recently I didn't know about Kohlrabi at all, let alone red ones!

I learned more.  It seems that Kohlrabi (sometimes called a German turnip) is not so popular int he US, but it is everywhere in Austria.  They steam it, make stews, eat it raw in salads and they even BBQ it!  It tastes kind of like a fresh broccoli stem ... juicy and crunchy.

Here is the nutritional "scoop" on Kohlrabi

  • Low in calories, only 19 for a half cup raw, sliced
  • High in dietary fiber, 2.5 grams for one-half cup
  • Potassium content peaks at 245 grams for one-half cup
  • Vitamin content for that same one-half cup includes 25 I.U. vitamin A, 43.4 mg. vitamin C, 11.3 mcg folic acid, and 16.8 mg. calcium

Well, today was harvest day for this particular "bad" boy!  My husband peeled it and then shredded it like a slaw then and I whipped up a tasty dressing for it ... YUM ... crunchy and refreshing!

Here is my recipe for my "Sweet Basil Dressing":

  • Juice of 2 lemons
  • 1/4 cup water
  • Pinch of salt
  • A couple of twists with your pepper mill
  • 1/2 cup garden fresh basil
  • 1 T. honey (to taste)
  • 1/4 cup olive oil
  • Handful of sunflower seeds

Toss everything into a high speed blender and pulse until smooth and creamy.  This dressing tastes even better the second day .. if you have any leftover!

It is all about how you choose to live your life ... and right now life is very good.

Here's to health and lifestyle!

Be sure to stop by for the latest information on health in Austria!

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