Health and Lifestyle - Bio Organic Garden Explodes!

Health and lifestyle ... how you decide to live your life is up to YOU ... I choose to live a healthy lifestyle.

Our "Bio" organic garden has simply exploded!  The zucchini and squash have taken over and I truly wouldn't be surprised if one morning I hear a knocking sound on the window and find the pumpkin runners wanting to come in for a cup of tea and a quick chat!

Yes, those really are pumpkins hiding under those leaves!

The cherry tomatoes that we planted have us eating tomatoes in every way, shape and form ...

... and we have mystery squash that are gigantic!  My husband thought it was a butternut squash seed that he planted, but ????

Healthy eating for our new lifestyle is a must and we have a new saying at our house ...

"From the garden to the table in 3 minutes!"

The word health in German is "gesundheit" ... yes, like the blessing you give when someone sneezes.  How many of you knew that?  I didn't until a couple of years ago when I began traveling to Austria.

We now have a new organization in Austria called the GesundheitsVerein which is a non-profit health "club" for those interested in learning and sharing the best health information around the world.  Their motto is:
"We collect the best information to improve health."

Please feel free to visit their website at:   

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