Health and Lifestyle - "GesundheitsMesse Breitenau 2012" Health Symposium

Health and Lifestyle ... "GesundheitsMesse Breitenau 2012" Health Symposium

This event is hosted by the GesundheitsVerein in Austria.  They have assembled some cutting edge experts in the field of complimentary health for anyone interested in living a healthy lifestyle!

Featured speakers are:
*Prof.Erwin Böhm - Seelenlifting statt Gesichtsstraffung
*Dr. Michael Ehrenberger - Merkmale des Lebenden
*Helmuth Matzner - Rückkehr zur Gesundheit
*Markus Stütz - FIT & POWER oder schlapp, krank und sauer ?
*Johann Schweifer .... Gesundheit beginnt im Kopf
*Claudia Nemecek, Sport und Ernährung - Meine Erfahrungen im Leistungssport mit Naturkost
*Markus Bierbaumer - Yoga
*Roland Kührer - Urkost und Urmethodik die 4 Säulen der Urmethodik Körper Psychisch+Physisch Geist und Seele

This is an event you won't want to miss if you want to maintain health.

Here's to YOUR Health and Lifestyle!


Gesundheitsmesse Breitenau 2012 will be held in the Steinfeldzentrum on October 6th 2012 and will run from 10:00am to 6:00pm.

For more information go to their website:

or email them at:

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